Lessons On Lessons
Hey y'all - it has been an interesting few weeks! As you probably all know, I have been scaling my agency hiring people to help with work. My agency has been busier than it has ever been before.
And I am insanely grateful for the amount of success that I have experienced.
But can I just say that being able to embrace this level of busyness, and this much client work, while also scaling, and hiring has been absolutely exhausting!
I wanted to just use this time as a journal entry to talk about where I am and the lessons that I've learned so far.
Mira, I am by no means a seven-figure successful business owner (bueno, not yet, right?! lol), I'm still very much in the thick of it.
I'm still learning.
I'm still growing.
And I want to share the immense insight that scaling my own agency has given me in ensuring my work for others is that much better.
The first thing I have learned is that as a CEO, regardless of whether you are a solopreneur or you have a team with you, you 1,000% need to protect the whitespace.
What does that mean? It means that you need to protect the space or time for you to think, plan, ideate, for you to actually be the CEO and create, and scale your company from a place of calm. You need to be able to do all of those things from a solid foundation instead of reactivity.
So whether that means you are leveraging tech or leveraging staff to protect that space for you to charge yourself, protect that space!
Protect that space for you to think about your business and you to just dream.
That space is so important for you to continue to experience success too.
Second thing is, and I know I say this a lot, but write your SOPs down before you hire.
Even things that you don't think you can make into an SOP, be like Nike and just do it! If you can't, if you're having a hard time doing this by yourself - Fuck hire me and my team to help you do it!
Leverage a mastermind sister or mastermind that you're a part of to data dump and spill out how you think about things in order to codify that so when you do hire people they have a solid understanding of how you think.
I have to be honest I did not take my own advice and I'm creating SOPs as I go because I thought having a custom process for each client made it impossible to codify things -
The way that I think about things while my results may be different, I have a set way of thinking about how I build and I am in the process now, four months after hiring, of codifying so that I have people coming to me less often with questions.
I have found that I am the bottleneck of my own company, and it's frustrating! But it's also a learning experience. And it's also showing me that no matter how custom your process, you can codify and create SOPs for it
Three - Setting up tech is a never one-and-done kind of thing.
As you set tech up for your company, whether it's setting it up for growth or setting it up with somebody who understands your future vision is super important, because they will set it up in a way that will allow you to continue to grow.
It is never pertinent to set up tech for how you do business today only. Set it up for what you're planning to do two years down the line, so you're not having to recreate the wheel.
However, that being said, that does not mean that your process will not change. That does not mean that you will not have to change automation as your processes evolve. As your business evolves. Other things will have to evolve as well.
There will be tweaks that need to happen in your business and that's okay, that is normal!
Hell, my tech processes and tech apps have not changed. However, have there been a couple of processes that I've tweaked refined, and improved fuck yes!
But my foundational pieces are still there and are still live. They are still what I leverage on a day-to-day basis!
I am all about radical honesty in so many ways and am very much an open book. I wanted to share my struggles and learnings with you all because I know how difficult it is to build a successful business and profitable business online.
So that's it guys, my top three lessons that come to mind at 10:30 at night, that I felt in my soul I wanted to share with everybody on my blog.
These are the things that I'm thinking about. how I'm going through them and I'm working to surpass them.
The goal here is to share knowledge and experiences so that hopefully you don't have to experience them so that you can bypass them and learn from my mistakes.
That's what community is about.
And you know what, FRFR - maybe you will still make these mistakes! Maybe your strong-willed ass brain will read all this and say, “My business will be different.”
And that's totally fine - that's what I did. I ignored the advice, my own advice, and it happens.
I am still susceptible to it, to all these things. But I'm learning, I've given myself all the grace.
So if you want support from somebody who gets it, who has been there, who has grown through this, to alleviate some of those growing pains, let's talk!
Let's have a conversation.
Let's start planning for the future.
I'm not taking any more clients on till June so lock in your spot now!